Mosquito Martyrs

Anxious atmosphere,
confused and restless -
sun and rain, rain and sun,
lightning, sun, and thunder -

A bit of hail,
then sun again -
and even some blue sky -

Peepers -
Mosquitoes -
The sun returns in morning
and with it, Swallows feasting

They swoop and spin and chirp so happy,
much to the bugs' chagrin
The clouds return,

I set out, jacket wearing,
and reenact that childhood tale
of Mr. Wind and Mr. Sun -
Which one will win?
Old huff 'n puff?
or warm seducing earthly star?

But don't forget the Culex gang -
now in the woods
and safe from Swallow air force
If I should rightly bare my arms
they'll quickly find a way
to extract their toll this day

And then I think of all of those
who’ve lost their lives
all smashed and shattered just because
they had to eat, to make their way

So come to me, oh fellow creatures
I sacrifice, I say!
For you some blood, some sustenance
a gift!, a gift! I say!

Eat, drink, be merry!

But oh alas, oh instinct strong -
a slap I can't control,
another, yet another still -
the carnage grows and grows

Betrayal! Treachery!
It is a trap!
I could not keep my word!

Worse than Swallows - who eat to live -
Mosquitoes do that too -
They do because they have to

I kill from irritation
What all this means I do not know
I'm only on vacation.