Interspecies Musings
(the Peaceable Kingdom)

Crow and I spend a morning on the deck
relaxing, enjoying, mere feet apart -
natural enemies, but today
we live in luxury -
No fear, just companionship

We bask in our good fortune -
he or she settles down,
feathers fluffed, no legs showing

From behind, Crow looks like duck,
but comfortable, turning its back.
Five feet away

I talk to the crow who looks at me
and blinks
Sometimes nictitating membrane
covers its eyes
Sometimes they close
Sometimes mine close -
the sun is warm

We are the fortunate ones -
We have sufficient food
We are successful
We can share this space

I need not eat this bird
and this bird need not eat me,
nor steal my crop,
nor I retaliate with traps nor gun

We are at peace
Humans breed their fellow creatures -
select carefully, for centuries
to form a bond or to use them for labor
or food or amusement or companionship

Some of us are lucky -
We make friends with other animals
just because we share the bond of life
and perhaps to revel in our ability
to know one another in our fleeting freedom from need

Wolves and Ravens
Crows and Humans
Ants and Aphids
form alliances
temporary truce -

food, not food -
contextual relations

What are we today?

What if life were not forced
to feed on life?
What would that be like?