The Hunter-Gatherer

Excitement building -
the day is near!
Midweek hunt
and Wednesday gather

Bags in hand and
off I go
to the great oasis -
there’s food, I know!

No mask this time,
no gloves, just bags
No disguise, just me,
but the scent of danger

Where primates gather,
no one is safe -
like Bambi
at the Meadow

Bananas there!
Quickly grasp!
Move on before they’re spotted



Primitive beast -

success within my grasp!

Beware! Beware!
Who’s around the corner?
Could be friend,
could be me
with just a bigger weapon

My cart’s near full,
don’t have to drag
a carcass down a trail

The wheel, the wheel -
a round thing changed it all
Round like donuts
they grow, near fresh
so near the killing zone
where prey is sliced and packaged neat
beware! – we all are meat!

And now the time,
the place is here,
where keepers of the store
obstruct my path,
prevent my exit,
demand the tribute
of my card

The Hunter-Gatherer
now departs
across the perilous ice
Dragging gathered fruits and prey
to live another day

And safe inside
his dark-lit den
he builds a little fire
and heats a brew
and eats forbidden goods

Orange, cranberry -
delicious scone
from the bakery of Claire
Who hunted, gathered,
on her own
creating a reward