Wailin' Bird
The Church Street Cardinal
the bird, that is,
began the day with a Bel Canto recital,
the likes of which I’ve never heard
I listened to the Great Masters sing
the traditional sounds, so long ago
Richmondena Cardinalis -
first sciency name I learned
The birds of song,
of music now -
of music then -
70 years gone by
In olden days the Faith was kept
each note, each phrase, as written
But now the Lubec Bird scoffs at that -
with jazz, this bird is smitten
A jumble of notes,
or just one repeated
A twist right at the end -
What’s This?
Classical fusion,
bird confusion -
but he knows
just what he does
I lay befuddled
dreaming still?
“No, it’s real,” he chirped
and whistled and wailed
and blew his sweet horn
in tunes I’d never heard
A Summer Keys bird?
Or Friesen faculty?
If improv cello is ok
why not improv Bird?
Re-incarnated on a Lubec roof
the best I’d ever heard
An extra helping of seed I offer
they sing for tips, I’m told -
and yes, of course, that wondrous gift…