Wolf Wind - 12/30/16

The wind howled and screeched 
and shook me in my bed. 
Safe inside my blanket fort, I thought, 
yet still it thundered on. 

Wailing, pounding, determined, 
it ceaselessly threw itself 
against my walls. 
Then sudden silence.

Ominous, deep, and sinister.
Outside, the wolf paced, 
its eyes darting, 
Searching for a weakness. 

A loose nail, a crooked slat, 
any sign of failure. 
It growled and breathed, 
and breathed again. 

A huff, a puff, a bigger huff – 
The wolf’s eyes glowed. 
This time… this time...
I think my house is made of sticks. 
But they are big.

I waited