No, it is about an unfortunate type of person whose misfortune is to be empty and devoid of so much of life that the rest of us take for granted and for which we should be grateful. We also need to understand them in order not to be their victims. It just occurred to me (6/24/24) that a poem countering this might be worthwhile.

Sympathy for the Devil

An empty little man
devoid of substance
devoid of warmth

Grasping for riches -
struggling for power
to console him

to protect him

from the
misery inside

Someone is happy
stop them now!

It hurts to see them
to know what I lack -
Kill them, destroy them,
take their happiness away

that I may have peace

But peace will not come
the emptiness gnaws

I must have some pleasure
to make me forget -
yet fleeting, unsatisfying,
anger and fear,
Who is my friend? What is that?
What do they want?
is mine

I’ll surround myself
with gold
and show them how happy

I am

Beauty all around me
yet none of it mine -
subservient, obedient,

but none of it mine 
or all of it mine
yet worthless

I’ll take it!
I’ll force it!
I’ll force them to love!
but how will I know?

What is it like?
to love?

To have them call my name?
I’ll hire them

To have them touch me,
hold me?

I’ll pay them
or force them

And if I cannot love
I’ll fire them

They hate me -
scorn me
Jealous of all I have

I hate them -
scorn them
Jealous of all they have