Chaotic Head of Eternity - for now

Unkempt hoards of random thoughts
pursuing me, following,
some stridently pushing ahead
blocking me
from where?

Where am I going? What did I do?
Why am I constantly, incessantly

Some subtle, some screaming
some might be, could be,
I’m sure they’re all the same
Or different - what order?
How do they share their meaning?
What meaning have they
or do they not?

When did the chorus sing?

Eight billion people
or now a bit more -
Perhaps assign them one,
just one thought per person -

that’s enough
to work on for a while

Ponder, listen, rearrange,
classify and sort
And finally once you’ve understood
assemble and report!

If we’re still here
if you’re still here -
if anyone remains

Perhaps they’ll finally
know the words
or be just quite insane

Another million
who’s to say?
8 billion times a million years
and all those thoughts and tears
that haunt me

must surely bring
a bit of peace
or will they all still taunt me?


or will I just forget?