Stay Home (c. 1975)

Terror on all sides
they came at us in droves -
the fire, the heat,
the pain of annhilation -
what to think or feel or do
in such a situation?

I could not flee
I could not fight
I could not scream in fear
I could but wait
accept my fate
it is no shame to die.

General Guderian had a talk with me some time ago -
he told me what he would have done if he had gone to Russia.
Tanks and planes were not enough, he said -
an army needs to eat -
and barring that, at least, he said -
they need a little heat.

I thought the fires were hot enough, I said
I thought the fear would keep them fed.
What do you need of food or fuel
if all you are is dead?

Why go to Russia, you damn fool?
Why anywhere at all?
They don't want you there -
what's wrong with you -
you can't stay home?

There's nothing for you there?

Al Stewart's "Roads to Moscow"