Emily's Slant of Light

I didn't start writing poetry when I took a literature course, but I guess it unleashed something in me. I started writing when my sister taught me to touch type at age 9. I was 9. She was not 9. Oddly enough, I've never been keen on reading poetry, but compulsively write it. Read More

Evening Colours

Evening Colors (December, 1961 Great Lakes NTC – a memory) Read More

Face of Beauty

Dated 1992 during a literature course Read More

Facebook Owl

inspired by the FB Bird Misidentification Page – do not go there Read More


Bitterness and bile, politics are vile, but here we are - Read More

Finch and Eagle

more from the porch Read More

First Winter (revisted)

"First Winter" is easy. How will I know when to write "Last Winter?" Read More

Gila Monster

I had a drawing to accompany this, but can't find it. Read More

Hidden Things

Fogo Island – 2023 Read More


Just an observation Read More


One of those composite thought-things from all sorts of places Read More

Homo Superiorus


Wednesday Ritual - for Claire and the IGA Read More

Interspecies Musings

Something I do a lot Read More


True, I'm always in a fog, but this is different Read More

Is it?

Another multi-dimensional hallucination Read More


Mid-seventies stuff plunked out on the old 1949 Royal portable I learned on when I was 9 or so. Still have it and would love to rehab it. Read More


I know nothing of this, nor why, nor how. It's just here - I bear no responsibility Read More

Jays of Newfoundland

A precious moment up North - always love encounters with "Whisky Jacks." Read More

Joys of Thought

No doubt inspired by yet another bombastic faux patriotic celebration  Read More
Results 21 - 40 of 82